Board Meetings & Minutes


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

October 14, 2024 (unapproved)


Supervisor:                                 Larry Bedow

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:   Darla Ostrum, Alice Dunbar; Robin Putnam.

Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; John Sheets, Highway Superintendent; Dusty Miller and Andrea Grosskopf.

The October 14, 2024 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Larry Bedow with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Approval of Minutes Alice Dunbar made a motion to approve the minutes for the September 9 Regular Board Meeting; R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for September 2024. D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for September 2024.  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Town Justice’s report for September 2024.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Highway Superintendent’s report for September 2024; A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report- Alice Dunbar made a motion to approve the written Code Enforcement Officer’s Report for September 2024; R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Dog Control Officer’s Report- Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Dog Control Officer’s report for September 2024.  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Approval of Assessor’s Report- None presented.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report- Larry Bedow reported to the Board that he and Deputy Supervisor Michael Scott had negotiated with George & Swede for a lower purchase price on the loader, the cost of which had come in significantly higher than originally negotiated.  Larry Bedow made a motion to purchase the loader from George & Swede at the settled price of $60,662.00.  Darla Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.  Larry Bedow informed the Board that the Brawler’s Corners solar project was still on hold, pending review by RG&E. L. Bedow also noted that he had spoken with Sarah Mountain, of NYS Agriculture & Markets, regarding the necessity of an identification badge for the Dog Control Officer.  He was told that the id was not necessary, but S. Mountain shared a list of dog control equipment that the DCO was expected to be provided with; these items had since been obtained and had been given to the current DCO, John Sheets.  L. Bedow noted that he would like to get a separate phone/phone number for the DCO, which could then be handed on to whomever held the position and could also be managed more effectively to circumvent after-hours calls.  L. Bedow informed the Board that the election site had been changed from the Town Hall to the Richburg Colonial Library;  as a result, the Village Clerk’s hours would not be affected.  L. Bedow reported that fellow board member Darla Ostrum had contacted Aaron Jackson, Certified CPR/AED Instructor, and Athletic Trainer for the Bolivar-Richburg Central School, and he agreed to conduct a class for Town and Village Board Members and Employees on CPR and AED, probably in late November.   The class will be limited to 20 people (note: it is not a certification class).  Those persons interested in attending who are not Town or Village employees may sign up for any remaining spots on a first-come first-served basis.  Finally, the New York State Comptroller’s Office sent a report to Larry Bedow showing that on a 100-point scale of fiscal stress measurement, Town of Wirt has 3.3 points, thus showing next to no fiscal stress.  Michael Scott made a motion to accept the Superintendent’s oral report as given;  R. Putnam seconded the motion and the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business- The second Preliminary Budget Meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 6 p.m. in the Town Hall. 

Alice Dunbar made a motion to accept Old & New Business as presented; R. Putnam seconded that motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

GENERAL BILLS– Robin Putnam made a motion to pay Abstract # 10 (General Fund Vouchers # 196 through # 213) in the amount of $4,414.89.  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Darla Ostrum made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 10 (Highway Vouchers # 94 through # 107) in the amount of $37,974.04.  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Alice Dunbar made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.; M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

September 9, 2024 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Larry Bedow

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:   Darla Ostrum, Alice Dunbar; Robin Putnam, absent.

  Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; John Sheets, Highway Superintendent; Dusty Miller, Andrea Grosskopf, Gary Dorrett and Lea Dorrett.

The September 9, 2024 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Larry Bedow with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments- Andrea Grosskopf thanked John Sheets for his help.

Approval of Minutes Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the minutes for the August 12 Regular Board Meeting; M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for August 2024. D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for August 2024.  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Town Justice’s report for August 2024.  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Highway Superintendent’s report for August 2024; A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Code Enforcement Officer’s Report for August 2024; A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Dog Control Officer’s Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Dog Control Officer’s report for August 2024.  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

Approval of Assessor’s Report- None presented.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report- Larry Bedow noted that Michael McCormick, Commissioner of the Allegany County Board of Elections, was considering an alternative polling place to the Town Hall building;  the Colonial Library was one of the other places being considered.  L. Bedow reported that the Brawler’s Corners solar project was on hold due to transmission discussions between the company and RG&E.  A new manager, Fred Ball, had been assigned to the project, and results of further deliberations were expected by the first week of October.  L. Bedow also reported that he had exchanged one of the lights overlooking the parking lot of the Town Hall building with a new, more efficient and longer-lived installation.  Michael Scott made a motion to accept the Supervisor’s oral report;  A. Dunbar seconded that motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

Old & New Business- John Sheets, Highway Superintendent, asked the Board for permission to buy a paver (approximately $30,000) and a portable welder for the back of the Ford (approximately $6,000). The Board asked him to price out possibilities and warranties and get back to them with specifics.  John Sheets also mentioned that the warranty contract on the loader, purchased in 2022, appears to have increased in cost.  The original contract for the warranty needs to be found for purposes of comparison. 

 After discussion, the Preliminary 2025 Budget meeting was scheduled for Monday, September 16th at 6 p.m. Michael Scott made a motion to accept Old & New Business as presented;  A. Dunbar seconded that motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

GENERAL BILLS– Darla Ostrum made a motion to pay Abstract # 9 (General Fund Vouchers # 180 through # 195) in the amount of $4,441.50.  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Michael Scott made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 9 (Highway Vouchers # 82 through # 93) in the amount of $13,819.45.  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Michael Scott made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m.; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

August 12, 2024 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Larry Bedow

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:   Darla Ostrum, Alice Dunbar, Robin Putnam.

Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; John Hanbach, Code Enforcement Officer; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Andrea Grosskopf.

The August 12, 2024 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Larry Bedow with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:31 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments- none

Approval of Minutes Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the minutes for the July 8 Regular Board Meeting; A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Larry Bedow made a motion to use account A1620.4 to record cell phone charges for John Sheets beginning September 1 through the remainder of 2024.   M. Scott seconded the motion;the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for July 2024, with changes. D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for July 2024.  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Town Justice’s reports for June and July 2024.  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Highway Superintendent’s report for July 2024; R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report- Alice Dunbar made a motion to approve the written Code Enforcement Officer’s Report for July 2024; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Dog Control Officer’s Report- Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Dog Control Officer’s report for July 2024.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Approval of Assessor’s Report- None presented.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report- Larry Bedow reported that Brawler’s Corners solar project documents had been sent to the Town Attorney, Richard Buck, for review; changes had been suggested by R. Buck and subsequently accepted by Eamon Riley. When the revised documents are sent back to the Town, L. Bedow will pass them on to R. Buck for final review.   Michael Scott made a motion to accept the Supervisor’s oral report;  A. Dunbar seconded that motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Old & New Business- None reported.

GENERAL BILLS– Michael Scott made a motion to pay Abstract # 8 (General Fund Vouchers # 161 through # 179) in the amount of $6,609.39.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Alice Dunbar made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 8 (Highway Vouchers # 70 through # 82) in the amount of $98,812.69.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Michael Scott made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:52 p.m.; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

July 8, 2024 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Larry Bedow

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:   Darla Ostrum, Alice Dunbar; Robin Putnam, absent.

Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; John Sheets, Highway Superintendent; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; John Hanbach, Building Codes Officer; Andrea Grosskopf, Eric Baldwin, and Robert Mannix.

The July 8, 2024 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Larry Bedow with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:28 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments- Eric Baldwin commented on the Town of Wirt’s 2019 Dog Control Law, saying that contrary to what the Deputy Supervisor had stated at the previous board meeting, the Village of Richburg was included under the auspices of the Town Law and had been since the Village of Richburg had taken their own law off the books in previous years.  Town Supervisor Larry Bedow confirmed that this was correct.  There was a discussion concerning what to do about unleashed dogs that routinely attacked the dogs of dog-walkers around the Village and Town.  The Town Clerk supplied the Dog Control Officer, John Sheets, with two packages of tickets to be used to ticket dogs/dog owners in violation of the law. There were suggestions that copies of the 2019 Dog Law be sent with dog license renewals; this could be expensive in terms of the added postage required.  Another possibility that was discussed was to put a code on the renewal forms that linked the dog licenser to the 2019 Dog Law on the Town’s website, and to provide a checkbox on the form affirming that he/she had read the law.

Approval of Minutes Alice Dunbar made a motion to approve the minutes for the June 10 Regular Board Meeting.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for June 2024, with changes:  $6,850 transferred from Building Fund Reserve to 1620.4, Buildings Contractual.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for June 2024.  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; themotion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—None presented.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— Alice Dunbar made a motion to approve the written Highway Superintendent’s report for June 2024; M. Scott seconded the motion; themotion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report- Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Code Enforcement Officer’s Report for June 2024; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Dog Control Officer’s Report- Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Dog Control Officer’s report for June 2024.  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

Approval of Assessor’s Report- None presented.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report- Larry Bedow reported that the Brawler’s Corners paperwork was being finished and would be forwarded to the Town Lawyer for final approval.  He invited everyone to stay for the 7:30 Public Hearing that had been scheduled by Craig Clark of the Allegany County IDA to discuss the County’s participation in the Brawler’s Corners solar project.  Michael Scott made a motion to accept the Supervisor’s oral report;  A. Dunbar seconded that motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

Old & New Business- None reported.

GENERAL BILLS– Darla Ostrum made a motion to pay Abstract # 7 (General Fund Vouchers # 141 through # 160) in the amount of $6,693.66.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Michael Scott made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 7 (Highway Vouchers # 62 through # 69) in the amount of $23,879.40.  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Larry Bedow made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

June 10, 2024 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 absent

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:   Darla Ostrum, Robin Putnam

  Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay;  John Sheets, Highway Superintendent; Eamon Riley; Andrea Grosskopf, Eric Baldwin, Patrick Manimihan.

The June 10, 2024 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Deputy Supervisor Michael Scott with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:28 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments-  Eric Baldwin complained that he had to protect his dog on dog walks throughout the Town and Village from loose dogs, and that unleashed dogs were in violation of Town of Wirt’s Dog Control Laws.  The Dog Control Officer, John Sheets, told Mr. Baldwin to call him next time an incident of this kind occurred.  Also, Mr. Baldwin was told by the Deputy Supervisor, Michael Scott, that the Town of Wirt is not responsible for dogs in the Village of Richburg.  Mr. Baldwin noted that the Dog Control Officer’s name had not been updated on the Town website.

Approval of Minutes Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the minutes for the May 13 Regular Board Meeting.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report-  Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for May 2024, with changes:  DA 5130.4 to be increased by $5,672.36; and an increase to DA 2680 of $5,673.46 to reflect insurance payment;  also,  $206.00  to be transferred from DA 906.1A to A 5010.4.   R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Robin Putnam made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for May 2024.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Justice Report for May, 2024.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Highway Superintendent’s report for May, 2024; R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Dog Control Officer’s Report- Robin Putnam made a motion to approve the written Dog Control Officer’s report for May 2024.  M. Scott seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Approval of Assessor’s Report- Robin Putnam made a motion to approve the written Assessor’s report for May, 2024; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report— Michael Scott delivered the Supervisor’s report for May, 2024 in Larry Bedow’s absence.   Michael Scott made a motion allowing the Dog Control Officer to use the Town truck for Dog Control, with special instructions to keep track of mileage used for that purpose.  Rob Putnam seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.  Darla Ostrum made a motion to accept the Supervisor’s oral report;  R. Putnam seconded that motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Old & New Business-  none reported.

GENERAL BILLS– Robin Putnam made a motion to pay Abstract # 6 (General Fund Vouchers # 117 through # 140) in the amount of $11,852.42.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Michael Scott made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 6 (Highway Vouchers # 55 through # 61) in the amount of $80,740.98.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Michael Scott made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:08 p.m.; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

May 13, 2024 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Larry Bedow

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:    Alice Dunbar, Darla Ostrum, Robin Putnam

Al                                        Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay;  John Sheets, Highway Superintendent; Eamon Riley; Karl Kruger.

The May 13, 2024 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Larry Bedow at 6:30 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance had been conducted earlier for the Public Hearing scheduled at 5:30. Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments-  Eamon Riley, Business Development Manager for Nexamp, made a presentation for Nexamp’s proposed “Brawler’s Corners Solar” project on Hicks Hill Road in the Town of Wirt.  He submitted maps, drawings,  and a slide show packet to the Board Members, which he then reviewed with them.  Larry Bedow made a motion to schedule a public hearing on the project for Monday, June 10 at 5:30 p.m.; the motion was seconded by Robin Putnam; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

        Karl Kruger discussed concrete mixes and specifications for the Highway Department’s barn floor.

Approval of Minutes Michael Scott made a motion to approve the minutes for the April 8 Regular Board Meeting with changes.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for April 2024, with changes:  $32,900.00 to be transferred from Building Fund Reserve to A1620.4.   D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for April 2024.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Alice Dunbar made a motion to approve the written Justice Report for April, 2024.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Highway Superintendent’s report for April 2024; R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Dog Control Officer’s Report- Alice Dunbar made a motion to approve the written Dog Control Officer’s report for April 2024.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Approval of Supervisor’s Report— Larry Bedow made a motion to pass Resolution 6-2024,  a “Resolution Adopting Local Law No. 1, ‘A Local Law Providing a Four-Year Term for the Elective Office of Town Supervisor, Town Clerk and Town Highway Superintendent for the Town of Wirt’”.  M. Scott seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.   L. Bedow announced that the Justice position had been filled by Raymond Gilliland until December 31, at which time the newly elected justice would take his place with the State continuing to support R. Gilliland in an advisory role as needed.  L. Bedow also announced that John Sheets had taken over the position of Dog Control Officer from Dakota Steiner, and that the new Code Enforcement Officer was John Hanbach.  L.  Bedow informed the Board that the new roof/roof repair on the Town Hall had been completed.  He also proposed the Board think about some kind of larger screen for the Town Hall meeting room that could be controlled by computer for Zoom meetings and other virtual learning sessions.  Michael Scott made a motion to accept the Supervisor’s oral report;  R. Putnam seconded that motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Old & New Business-  Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the $1,922.00 purchase of an accounting software subscription, Quickbooks, for Bookkeeper Michelle Dunbar’s use.  M. Scott seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar D.  Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.  Michael Scott made a motion to accept Old & New Business;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays

GENERAL BILLS– Michael Scott made a motion to pay Abstract # 5 (General Fund Vouchers # 91 through # 116) in the amount of $40,913.26.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Alice Dunbar made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 5 (Highway Vouchers # 43 through # 54) in the amount of $41,015.01.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Larry Bedow made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m.; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

April 8, 2024 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Larry Bedow

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:    Alice Dunbar, Darla Ostrum, Robin Putnam

Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Dusty Miller, Deputy Highway Superintendent; John Sheets, Highway Superintendent; Andrea Grosskopf, Sue Rung, Randy Harmon, Lisa Hitchcock and Town Assessor, Kay Reynolds.

The April 8, 2024 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Larry Bedow  with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

One sealed bid was received for the service of Cemetery Lawn Mowing; Larry Bedow opened the bid from Justin Putnam for $2,800.00.  Michael Scott made a motion to accept the bid from Justin Putnam;  Darla Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) and 0 nays.

One sealed bid was received for re-roofing the Town Building at 210 Main Street;  Larry Bedow opened the bid from General Roofing & Heating Co., Wellsville, NY, for $32,900.00.  Michael Scott made a motion to accept the bid from General Roofing & Heating Co.;  D.  Ostrum seconded the motion;  the

motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) and 0 nays.

Public Comments-  Andrea Grosskopf inquired if an instructor for using the Town’s AED unit had been found;  the Superintendent, Larry Bedow, answered that he was still looking for one, and that the original plan of free instruction by the County was no longer being offered.

 Lisa Hitchcock introduced herself as the founder of Rescue Pups, and explained that she had issues with the Town setting traps around her house for escaped dogs.  Larry Bedow answered that a single live trap had been authorized to her neighbor to be placed on his property in response to roaming dogs.  After further altercation, the Board requested assistance from law enforcement to escort Ms. Hitchcock out of the Town Meeting due to disruption of business.

Randy Harmon introduced himself as a candidate for the newly vacant position of Town Justice, and presented a letter of interest to be shared with the Board.  (Motion made by Larry Bedow via phone call to all the above Board Members on 4-11-2024 to appoint Randy Harmon as pending Town Justice, seconded by M. Scott, and passed unanimously).

Approval of Minutes Michael Scott made a motion to approve the minutes for the March

11 Regular Board Meeting with changes.   D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for April 2024, with changes:  $130,000 moved from DA Highway Savings to Machinery Reserve;  Covid Reserve fund corrected to reflect zero balance;  $300 moved from Deputy Town Clerk, A 1410.1A to Deputy Tax Collector, A 1410.1;  Duplicate line for Cleaning of Building, A 1602.1, removed, and any balances transferred to A 1620.1  A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for March 2024.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Michael Scott made a motion to approve the March 2024 written Justice Report.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written & oral Highway Superintendent’s report for March 2024 as given; A. Dunbar seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written CEO’s report for March 2024 as given; L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Michael Scott suggested appointing John Hanbach as the replacement Code Enforcement Officer.  Alice Dunbar made a motion to appoint John Hanbach as Code Enforcement Officer;  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Approval of Dog Control Officer’s Report- No report was given.  Larry Bedow announced that the current DCO, Dakota Steiner, would be retiring at the end of the month.  Larry Bedow made a motion to place an ad seeking a replacement DCO effective May 1 in The Source.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Approval of Assessor’s Report- Kay Reynolds announced the tentative tax roll had been set.  She reported having sent a letter with return receipt requested to Lisa Hitchcock regarding her tax exempt claim;  the letter had not been accepted by the addressee.  K. Reynolds said Lisa Hitchcock had not attended the grievance meeting and would have to apply again before the deadline of March 1, 2025.   Michael Scott made a motion to accept the Assessor’s oral report as given;  L. Bedow seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Approval of Supervisor’s Report— Larry Bedow noted that Justice Laura Manners resigned as of 3-   31-2024, and that Code Officer Roger Moyer had resigned as of 4-3-2024.  According to Dean Paleo, 8th District Magistrate, he would be replacing Justice Manner with Justice Ray Gilliland of Bolivar until someone is appointed/elected. L. Bedow also asked Clerk to place ad in The Source advertising for Justice’s and Dog Control Officer’s vacancies, because Dakota Steiner will be resigning on 4-30-2024.

 L. Bedow noted that John Sheets had drawn his attention to a 2011 loader that was still being insured that Town of Wirt no longer owns, resulting in a $2,224.00 refund from insurance company.

  L. Bedow directed the Board’s attention to a draft of proposed law Local Law No. 1 of 2024, entitled “A Local Law Providing a Four-Year Term for the Elective Office of Town Supervisor, Town Clerk and Town Highway Superintendent for the Town of Wirt.” This had been prepared by Town Attorney, Richard M. Buck, Jr. at the request of the Town Supervisor.  L. Bedow explained that this local law was necessary to change the terms of these offices from 2 to 4 years, saving the expense of holding elections every two years.  In addition to the saved money, L. Bedow suggested that such a law would be more efficient because usually the same people were elected and/or it was typically difficult to recruit people to run.  L. Bedow explained that if voters did not want this change they could vote against the proposal that would be on the ballot in November.  Following discussion, Larry Bedow made a motion to pass the following Resolution (R 5-2024), a ”Resolution Proposing Local Law No.1, ‘A Local Law Providing a Four-Year Term for the Elective Office of Town Supervisor, Town Clerk and Town Highway Superintendent for the Town of Wirt.’”   The Resolution stipulated that a public hearing be held on May 13, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, and that the Town Clerk place a legal notice advertising the public hearing in The Olean Times Herald in a timely manner, and post the same legal notice on the Town Clerk’s bulletin board.  Alice Dunbar seconded the motion;  Resolution 5-24 was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. Darla Ostrum made a motion to accept the Supervisor’s oral report as given; R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business-   

GENERAL BILLS– Alice Dunbar made a motion to pay Abstract # 4 (General Fund Vouchers # 66 through # 90) in the amount of $39,667.39.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Michael Scott made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 4 (Highway Vouchers # 35 through # 42) in the amount of $12,044,70.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Michael Scott made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 5 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, A. Dunbar, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

March 11, 2024 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Larry Bedow

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:    Darla Ostrum, Robin Putnam.

Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Dusty Miller, Deputy Highway Superintendent; John Sheets, Highway Superintendent; Alice Dunbar, Andrea Grosskopf.

The March 11, 2024 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Larry Bedow  with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Larry Bedow made a motion to pass Resolution # 3, a “Resolution to Appoint Alice Dunbar to the Town Board”.  Michael Scott seconded the motion; the Resolution was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) and 0 nays.

Michael Scott made a motion to pass Resolution # 4, a “Resolution Acknowledging the Examination and Audit of the Wirt Town Bookkeeper for 2023”; Robin Putnam seconded the motion; the Resolution was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) and 0 nays.

Approval of Minutes Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the minutes for the February 12, 2024 Board Meeting.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for March 2024.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for January 2024.  D Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the February 2024 written Justice Report.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Highway Superintendent’s report for February 2024 as given; M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written and oral Code Enforcement Officer’s report for February 2024 as given; R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report— Larry Bedow announced he had received three thank you cards for Town contributions: one from Lorrie Faulkner, Bolivar-Richburg Youth Soccer director, one from Elizabeth Webb, Secretary of the 4 C’s, and one from Jon Reitz, Coach of the Bolivar-Richburg Central School Youth Trap Team.   L. Bedow reported that he had met with Mike McCormick and Howard Cornwall at the Richburg Fire Hall to discuss a change in venue for voting, but that the Primary was still being held at the Wirt Town Hall on April 2.  L. Bedow also met with NYMIR and added the fuel shed and the property at 29 Main Street to the Town insurance policy.  A fire sign for the 29 Main Street property has been ordered.  L. Bedow suggested that at the next meeting the Board make a resolution to use the Allegany County Source as an optional site for advertising more local concerns, such as advertising to fill a position, rather than relying on the Olean Times Herald to reach interested applicants.  L. Bedow mentioned that Floyd Higby had started drainage work for the back of Town Hall, and would be placing seeded topsoil to raise the bed in the next week.  L. Bedow indicated that he was still looking for someone to train Wirt employees on using the AED.  Finally, he stated that an advertisement for bids for replacing the Town Hall roof would be placed in the OTH next week, and he would work with the Clerk on the copy for the ad.  Darla Ostrum made a motion to accept the Supervisor’s oral report as given; R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business-   John Sheets suggested that the Board consider moving forward on installing the heated cement floor for the Town Barn building, before the building started to suffer from excess moisture.  The Clerk asked the Board to review the bid advertisement for cemetery lawn mowing, which is to be placed in the OTH next week.  Michael Scott informed the Board that  the Town Attorney was working on a law changing the 2-year terms for Supervisor, Superintendent and Clerk to 4-year terms;  it was agreed that the Town would advertise for a Public Hearing on the subject in the Source prior to the April 11 Board Meeting. 

GENERAL BILLS– Michael Scott made a motion to pay Abstract # 3 (General Fund Vouchers # 47 through # 65) in the amount of $7,375.98.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Larry Bedow made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 3 (Highway Vouchers # 22 through # 33) in the amount of $31,357.41.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Michael Scott made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:15; R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

February 12, 2024 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Larry Bedow

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:    Darla Ostrum, Robin Putnam.

Al                                        Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Dusty Miller, Deputy Highway Superintendent; John Sheets, Highway Superintendent; Laura Manners, Justice;  Alice Dunbar, Robert C. Mannix, Roger Moyer, Richard Chind, John Dunbar, and Michael McCormick, Commissioner of Allegany Board of Elections.

The February 12, 2024 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Larry Bedow  with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Michael Scott made a motion to pass Resolution # 2,  a “Resolution Acknowledging the Examination and Audit of The Wirt Town Justice Records for 2023”.  Darla Ostrum seconded the motion;  the Resolution was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) and 0 nays.

Public Comments–  Michael McCormick, Commissioner of the Allegany Board of Elections, informed the Board that the County was exploring options for moving the polling site from the Town of Wirt Hall building to a site which had easier access, expanded parking and larger room size.

Approval of Minutes Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the minutes for the January 8, 2024 Organizational Board Meeting.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for February 2024.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for January 2024.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Michael Scott made a motion to approve the January 2024 written Justice Report.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— Along with his written report, John Sheets provided the Board with a working copy of his 284 Agreement, and a Mutual Aid Agreement to be signed by the Board members.  Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the oral & written Highway Superintendent’s report for January 2024 as given; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report— Along with his written report, Roger Moyer informed the Town Board about an issue he was having with one of the town citizens who had complained to the State, accusing the Inspector of violating the code.  Roger Moyer notified the Board that he had defended his position and sent supporting materials in his defense to the State, where the issue has gone to an Oversight Committee for further investigation.   Roger Moyer also discussed his temporary suspension as Code Enforcement Officer;  this was the result of his not having been able to attend all the classes for the necessary credit hours he needed in 2023 due to his hip replacement.  He explained that when he attended classes in March, they would apply those credits retroactively and he would be re-authorized as the CEO.  In the meantime, permit authorizations would be given to the Deputy Superintendent, Michael Scott, for signing.  Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written and oral Code Enforcement Officer’s report for January 2024 as given;  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report— Larry Bedow announced that the AED had been installed on site in the Town Hall Building.  The Allegany Health Department is no longer providing free AED to municipalities, and directed him to the Red Cross, which will certify users at $37.00/person.  Alternatively, L. Bedow is going to ask the Richburg Fire Department if they can set up some sort of informal training sessions, free to Town of Wirt Employees, and at minimal cost to any other interested persons. Larry Bedow also informed the Board that two (new) Community Bank Credit cards were being kept in the Clerk’s office for use for municipal purchases, and are to be used in preference to employees’ personal credit cards.   Finally, L. Bedow mentioned that he had talked to Spectrum about bundling the internet/phone bills into one bill, and the Town will soon be getting one bill instead of three.  Michael Sott made a motion to accept the Supervisor’s oral report as given;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business-  None.

GENERAL BILLS– Michael Scott made a motion to pay Abstract # 2 (General Fund Vouchers # 21 through # 46) in the amount of $7,201.35.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Robin Putnam made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 2 (Highway Vouchers # 6 through # 21) in the amount of $84,612.13.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Larry Bedow made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 PM and go into Executive Session.    M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

NOTE:  In the Executive Session, Board members determined that the appointment of a new board member would be postponed in order to consider late applications. 

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

January 8, 2024 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Larry Bedow

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:    Darla Ostrum, Robin Putnam.

Al                                        Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Dusty Miller, Deputy Highway Superintendent; John Sheets, Highway Superintendent; Laura Manners, Justice;  Alice Dunbar, Andrea Grosskopf, Dan Sorenson, and Jaykob Brisky.

The January 8, 2024 Organizational Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Larry Bedow  with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments– Laura Manners wanted to know what the status was of replacing a fifth Board member.  Larry Bedow told her that an advertisement had been placed in the Olean Times Herald, and a fifth board member should be appointed in February. 

Approval of Minutes Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the minutes for the December 27, 2023 End of Year Meeting.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for January 2024.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for December 2023.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Annual Report-  Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written 2023 Annual Town Clerk’s Report.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the December 2023 written Justice Report.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— John Sheets, as new Superintendent, did not report for December 2023.  He discussed with Board the need to renew a brine permit, as oil and gravelling roads did not correct problems adequately;  he also notified the Board he was working on a new 284 Agreement, and would be checking with CHIPS to see which roads were eligible for recompensation.  He asked that internet be installed for the Highway Department, and Larry Bedow requested the Clerk to look into costs of installation.   Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the oral Highway Superintendent’s report for January 2024 as given; M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Code Enforcement Officer’s report for December 2023 as given;  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report— Larry Bedow announced that the Town had applied and been approved for a credit card from Community Bank which could be used by Town employees for purchases for the Town.  In other matters, he mentioned that he was working on scheduling a date for AED/CPR training for the new AED.

Larry Bedow made a motion to transfer $1,500 from Bridge Contractual (DA 5120.4) to Bridge Reserve.  Darla Ostrum made a motion to accept the Supervisor’s oral report as given;  R. Putnam seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business-  Darla Ostrum asked the Board if there was interest in a grant for Accessory Dwelling Units.  The Board felt there was no immediate or apparent application for such a grant. 

         Michael Scott made a motion to accept Old & New Business;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Organizational Resolutions

Blanket Undertaking:  Public Officers Law # 11 (2) provides that in lieu of any individual undertaking as required by law, the town board may approve the procurement of a blanket undertaking for any duly authorized corporate surety covering the officers, clerks & employees of the town.  Michael Scott made a motion to approve a blanket undertaking, as provided by Richardson & Stout, Inc., & NYMIR.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Schedule for Regular Board Meetings:  Michael Scott made a resolution to hold Regular Board Meetings on the second Monday of every month at 6:30 pm in the Town Hall, with review beginning at 6 pm.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Official Newspaper:  Darla Ostrum made a motion that the Olean Times Herald continue to be the Town’s official newspaper.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Registrar of Vital Statistics for 2024-26:  Michael Scott made a motion that Nicolette de Csipkay be appointed as Registrar for Vital Statistics for 2024-26.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics for 2024-26: Larry Bedow made a motion to appoint Alice Dunbar as Deputy Registrar for Vital Statistics for 2024-26.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Town Historian for 2024-26:  Michael Scott made a motion that Melanie Johnston be re-appointed as the Town Historian for 2024-26.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Official Bank:  Darla Ostrum made a motion that Community Bank continue to be used as the Official Bank for Town of Wirt accounts.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays..

Bookkeeper:  Michael Scott made a motion to re-appoint Michelle Dunbar as bookkeeper. D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Code Enforcement Officer:  Darla Ostrum made a motion to re-appoint Roger Moyer as Code Enforcement Officer.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Dog Control Officer:  Michael Scott made a motion to re-appoint Dakota Steiner as Dog Control Officer.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Deputy Superintendent:  The Board declined to appoint Dusty Miller as Deputy Superintendent of Highways until further discussion and clarification of Town Law/Resolutions. 

Town Attorney:  Darla Ostrum made a motion to re-appoint Richard Buck of Richardson, Pullen & Buck, P.C., as the Town Attorney.  M. Scott seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

GENERAL BILLS– Michael Scott made a motion to pay Abstract # 1 (General Fund Vouchers # 1 through # 20) in the amount of $11,716.96.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Michael Scott made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 1 (Highway Vouchers # 1 through # 7) in the amount of $18,194.36.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Darla Ostrum made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 PM.  R. Putnam seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (L. Bedow, M. Scott, D. Ostrum, R. Putnam) & 0 nays. 

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

December 27, 2023 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Tricia Grover

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:       Larry Bedow  (Darla Ostrum  & Brent Howard, absent).

  Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Mark Shields, Deputy Highway Superintendent; Alice Dunbar.

The December 27, 2023 End of Year Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Tricia Grover with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:15 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments– none.

Approval of Minutes Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the minutes for the December 11, 2023 Regular Board Meeting.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report with changes:  $823.02 transferred to Snow Removal Contractual, DA5142.4, from Snow Removal Salary, DA5142.1;  $92.29 transferred to Town Clerk Contractual, A1410.4 from Town Clerk Equipment, A1410.2.;  $288.25 to A1450.4, Elections Cont., from A1620.2, Bldgs. Equip.;  $59.80 to A1620.1, Cleaning of Building, from A1620.2, Bldgs. Equip.;  $710.83 to A1620.4, Buildings Cont., from A5010.1, Supt. Highways Cont.  $60.00 to A3510.4, Control of Dogs Cont., from A 5010.1, Supt. Highways Cont.;   $6,106.00 from A3001 to Reval Reserve. L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow) & 0 nays.

GENERAL BILLS– Larry Bedow made a motion to pay Abstract # 13 (General Fund Vouchers # 250 through # 256, w. #253 voided) in the amount of $1,289.46.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover,  M. Scott, L. Bedow) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Michael Scott made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 13 (Highway Vouchers # 120 through # 121) in the amount of $5,760.00.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Larry Bedow made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:36  PM.  M. Scott  seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow) & 0 nays. 

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

December 11, 2023 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Tricia Grover

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:       Larry Bedow, Darla Ostrum  (Brent Howard, absent).

Al                                        Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Mark Shields, Deputy Highway Superintendent; John Sheets, Andrea Grosskopf, Dusty Miller, and Roger Moyer, Building Code Officer.

The December 11, 2023 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Tricia Grover with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments– none.

Approval of Minutes Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the minutes for the November 13, 2023 Regular Board Meeting.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for November 2023 pending changes to be made at end of year.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for November 2023.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the November 2023 written Justice Report.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Highway Superintendent’s report for November 2023 as given; M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Code Enforcement Officer’s report for November 2023 as given;  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0


Approval of Dog Control Officer’s Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Dog Control Officer’s Report for November 2023 as given;  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Assessor’s Report- Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Assessor’s Report for November 2023 as given;  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report— Tricia Grover thanked Board Members for all their help over her 28 ½ years of acting as Board Member and as Supervisor of the Board for the Town of Wirt.  She said that she had learned a lot from the process—“you lose ground when you start losing your temper”, and that for the most part she had enjoyed her long tenure, but realizes “it’s time to leave.”  She thanked everyone again, noting that the End-of-the-Month meeting on December 27 will be her last meeting.  Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the oral Supervisor’s Report for November 2023 as given; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott,  L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business

         Darla Ostrum addressed a comment by John Sheets, made in the previous meeting, that a law was about to be enacted making trucks older than 2017 require retrofitting/replacement.  After contacting Senator Borrello, who referred her to the Town Lawyer, she inquired of Assemblyperson Joseph Giglio regarding the law and its implications, and he replied that the DEC had responded to his own inquiry that “We don’t have any regulations mandating the replacement of pre-2017 heavy duty trucks” and that the “Diesel Emissions Reductions Act (DERA) is a federal program that offers incentives for replacing older diesel equipment but does not include any specific mandate”. 

        Larry Bedow mentioned that prior discussion and a decision to sell the Highway Department’s ice machine had been revised to a recommendation of not selling it;  the current machine is more efficient than a smaller, 110 v. machine would be and does serve active interests of the Highway.  However, it was suggested that use of the ice be limited to Town Taxpayers and, in some cases, the Town of Bolivar. 

        Mark Shields noted that the Highway Department had a visit from the Department of Labor (Cameron Kehl) to review their compliance with codes.  Some problems could be immediately addressed, such as new LED lights and labelling the waste oil, but others would still need to be addressed, such as the platform for the depth tank needing to be labelled for weight limits, and screws replaced with those having higher sheer limits.  Also of concern to the DOL was the Town of Wirt’s lack of a Violence Prevention Program;  upon further review, such a program is found only necessary in environments of 20 or more employees.  The Highway is waiting on a written report from the Department of Labor before addressing any remaining issues/ concerns. 

        Larry Bedow said that Ken Moore from the Richburg Fire Department had asked for permission to use the Town Hall for their elections on December 12 from 7-9:00 p.m.  No one had any issues with that; L. Bedow volunteered to make sure the building was open and also locked during for the times requested.

        Michael Scott brought up the question of acquiring a time clock for use in the Town Barns.  After a brief discussion, it was deemed infeasible due to the fact that the Highway employees  are actually at the Barns for irregular periods.  Larry Bedow asked that the discussion be tabled until the January meeting so that Board Members might have more time to think about it.  Meanwhile, Michelle Dunbar told the Board that she would start including copies of written time sheets with payroll to help Board members monitor the actual working hours of highway employees. 

Larry Bedow made a motion to accept Old & New Business;  M. Scott seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

GENERAL BILLS– Michael Scott made a motion to pay Abstract # 12 (General Fund Vouchers # 229 through # 249) in the amount of $7,433.90.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover,  M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Michael Scott made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 12 (Highway Vouchers # 110 through # 119, absent #111, #113, #115) in the amount of $8,099.00.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Michael Scott made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 PM.  L. Bedow  seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

November 13, 2023 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Tricia Grover

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:       Larry Bedow, Darla Ostrum  (Brent Howard, absent).

Al                                        Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Mark Shields, Deputy Highway Superintendent;  Curt Rung, John Sheets, Alice Dunbar, Andrea Grosskopf, Sheila Sorensen and Jaykob Brisky.

The November 13, 2023 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Tricia Grover with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments– John Sheets said that Kathy Hochul had just signed into law an order that all municipalities own trucks no older than 2017.

Approval of Minutes Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the minutes for the October 9, 2023 Regular Board Meeting with changesD. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Budget Meeting Minutes—Michael Scott made a motion to approve the minutes for the October 23, 2023 Tentative Budget Meeting.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.  Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the minutes for the November 8, 2023 Preliminary Budget Meeting; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for October 2023 with the following changes:  Transfer of $359.00 from Medical Insurance DA960.8 to  DA9601.8;  transfer of $374.92 from Contingent A1990.4 to A3510.4 Control of Dogs Contractual. D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for October 2023.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the October 2023 written Justice Report.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Highway Superintendent’s report for October 2023 as given; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report—Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Code Enforcement Officer’s report for October 2023 as given;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report— Tricia Grover reported that she had received two phone calls regarding dog control issues: one from a woman complaining that traps had been set on her property, and one from a trooper which had been  “taken care of” by the officer.  Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the oral Supervisor’s Report for October 2023 as given; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business

         Larry Bedow made a motion to “Resolve that the Highway Deputy Superintendent must be a resident of the Town of Wirt”;  M. Scott seconded the motion;  the Resolution was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.  (RESOLUTION 8-23)

        Larry Bedow told the Board that he had clarified the issue re. responsibility for paying the delinquent water bills: the Town of Bolivar pays for Delinquent Water bills, and we send Bolivar a check for the sum owed taken from the taxes we collect.   

          Larry Bedow reported that he had also cleared up an issue with the Town of Bolivar regarding an unpaid bill for kennel use in July.  The Town had incorrectly charged $300 for the actual amount of $150;  this was due to mishandling of paperwork by the Dog Control Officer, which he did finally resolve with the Town of Bolivar.

        Larry Bedow remarked that the sign and brickwork for the building had been completed, and that the risers were installed on the septic system.  The banking-up of dirt against the building would be finished in the next week or so by Floyd Higby.  

        Larry Bedow reported that the AED had finally been delivered, and that a training course would be scheduled sometime in the new year. 

        Larry Bedow suggested that Mark Shields, as acting Deputy Superintendent of Highways, should get $35.00/month for November and December phone use; all present members of the Board agreed.

        Michael Scott presented an estimate from General Roofing for $31,995.00 to replace the roof of the Town Hall Building, which had not been re-roofed since 1985 and is showing signs of separation.  He suggested we will have to put the job out for bid in the new year.

        Michael Scott said he would sign an amended contract which the Town had negotiated with the Union and that he would go into more detail in Executive Session.  Michael Scott made a motion to accept Old & New Business;  L. Bedow seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

GENERAL BILLS– Larry Bedow made a motion to pay Abstract # 11 (General Fund Vouchers # 205 through # 228) in the amount of $7,144.50.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott,  L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Larry Bedow made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 11 (Highway Vouchers # 104 through # 109) in the amount of $8,821.60.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Michael Scott made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 PM.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

EXECUTIVE SESSION– Larry Bedow made a motion to move into Executive Session at 7:15 PM;  M. Scott seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.  Only the members of the board, the Bookkeeper, Michelle Dunbar, and the Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay remained in attendance.  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss employee benefits.  Larry Bedow made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session at 7:45 PM;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

October 9, 2023 (approved)


Supervisor:   Tricia Grover. Councilpersons:  Larry Bedow, Darla Ostrum  (Brent Howard, absent).   Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Curt Rung, Highway Superintendent;  Sue Rung, John Sheets, Alice Dunbar, and Andrea Grosskopf.  

The October 9, 2023 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Tricia Grover with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk. Approval of Minutes Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the minutes for the September 11, 2023 Regular Board Meeting with changesD. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.   Approval of Budget Meeting Minutes—Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the minutes for the September 26, 2023 Tentative Budget Meeting.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.    Approval of Fiscal Report- Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for September 2023 with the following change:  Transfer of $50,016.58 from Road Fund Reserve to Road Fund, DB 9950.9. D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.        Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for September 2023.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. Approval of Justice Report—Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the September 2023 written Justice Report.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Highway Superintendent’s report for September 2023 as given; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report—Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Code Enforcement Officer’s report for September 2023 as given;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.   Approval of Supervisor’s Report— Tricia Grover reported that she had received a note of resignation effective October 22, 2023 from the housekeeper for the Town Hall Building, Cynthia Chamberlain.  The Board agreed that the Clerk should advertise for a new housekeeper on local bulletin boards and Darla Ostrum volunteered to notify the County Department of Unemployment. After further discussion, it was suggested that a Non-Disclosure Agreement be used for any new hire in this position, and that offering an increased hourly wage between $15.00-$20.00 (for approximately 10 hours work per month) be considered in order to attract applicants.  Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the oral Supervisor’s Report for August 2023 as given; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. Old & New Business

 Larry Bedow announced that members of the Highway Department had successfully attended (through a Teams virtual session) and completed a class with U-Dig that had been required by the  Department of Public Service in exchange for a lesser fine for last year’s gas line breakage.  The initial fine of $2,500 was reduced to $306.00.          Larry Bedow updated the Board that the AED (which had been ordered in March) was scheduled to arrive sometime in mid-October.           

 Larry Bedow reported that he had accepted an estimate of $675 from Dave Berner for re-pointing  approximately 3 vertical feet up along the Town Hall Building’s front brick wall and for freshening the paint on the Town of Wirt sign above the front door; supplies for the project cost $306.49.  The job would commence the following Friday/Monday.            

Larry Bedow also accepted an estimate of $600 from Higby Excavation to install cement risers along the Town Hall’s septic tank pipe.  This should stop the water from coming into the building after heavy rains.  L. Bedow asked the clerk to keep estimates and receipts from both the jobs above available for the Board’s examination.         Larry Bedow said that he had contacted Doyle Security about bundling the Town of Wirt’s accounts and had been quoted an annual bundle price of $1,056;  once confirmed, this will save the Town about $1,000 a year.         

Larry Bedow made a motion to resolve that the Town of Wirt close the seasonal roads from November 1, 2023 to  April 1, 2024; the resolution was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.  (R-7 2023).        

Larry Bedow set a second Tentative Budget meeting for Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.  

GENERAL BILLS– Larry Bedow made a motion to pay Abstract # 10 (General Fund Vouchers # 189 through # 204) in the amount of $3,218.78.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover,  L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.    HIGHWAY BILLS- Darla Ostrum made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 10 (Highway Vouchers # 93 through # 103) in the amount of $172,379.56.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.   Adjournment of Meeting– Darla Ostrum made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 PM.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (T. Grover, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.     Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

September 11, 2023 (approved)

 PRESENT: Supervisor:  Tricia Grover Deputy Supervisor:  Michael Scott    Councilpersons:       Larry Bedow, Darla Ostrum  (Brent Howard, absent).                       Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Curt Rung, Highway Superintendent;  Sue Rung, John Sheets, Alice Dunbar,  Andrea Grosskopf and Mark Shields.  

The September 11, 2023 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Tricia Grover with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.  

Public Comments–  Andrea Grosskopf thanked the Highway Superintendent and Highway Department for working on her road. 

Approval of Minutes Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the minutes for the August 14, 2023 Regular Board Meeting with changesD. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.  

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for August 2023 with the following change:  Transfer of $71.80 from Machinery Equipment DA5130.2 to Machine Salary DA5130.1. L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & O nays.       

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for August 2023.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the August 2023 written Justice Report.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report—In addition to his written report, Curtis Rung mentioned that he had spoken to Twin Tiers about repairing the Highway Department’s back shop doors, and that he was turning in his projected budget to the bookkeeper. Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the oral & written Highway Superintendent’s report for August 2023 as given; M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.  

Approval of Supervisor’s Report— Tricia Grover reported that a representative from T-Mobile had contacted her about switching telephone and internet service to them;  after discussion, the Board agreed it would not be worth changing because T-Mobile service is not dependable in this region.   Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the oral Supervisor’s Report for August 2023 as given; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business       

Michael Scott proposed that the creek behind the Town Hall Building needs to be cleaned out as it is causing septic backups.   M. Scott will contact Adam Cyr, to see if the County might be able to help, as well as check with Brad Schiralli, Bolivar Town Highway Superintendent.  Curtis Rung volunteered to check with Allegany County’s Soil & Water Conservation for any permissions needed.      

   Larry Bedow announced that members of the Highway Department had been scheduled for a Teams session/class with John Yau of the Department of Public Service on September 14 at 8 a.m.  This session will fulfill the Town’s obligation for excavation training to lessen the fine incurred last year for gas line breakage.            Larry Bedow asked if anyone knew of someone who could do the pointing on the brickwork for the Town Hall Building and/or the repainting of the Town of Wirt sign.  John Sheets suggested Dave Berner might be a good resource, and L. Bedow agreed to contact him.        

Michael Scott made a motion to resolve that the Town of Wirt appoint Connie Livergood as Deputy Dog Control Officer and adopt the Town of Friendship Kennel as alternate kennel for Town of Wirt.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the resolution was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays.  (R-5 2023).        

Michael Scott made a motion to resolve to appoint Darla Ostrum and Larry Bedow as the new Compliance Officers for the Town of Wirt’s Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment.  L.  Bedow seconded the motion; the resolution was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays. (R-6 2023)         Michael Scott set a Tentative Budget meeting for Wednesday, September 27 at 6 p.m.    GENERAL BILLS– Michael Scott made a motion to pay Abstract # 9 (General Fund Vouchers # 173 through # 187) in the amount of $2,947.33.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott.  L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.    HIGHWAY BILLS- Darla Ostrum made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 9 (Highway Vouchers # 84 through # 91) in the amount of $15,906.45.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.  

Adjournment of Meeting– Larry Bedow made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 PM.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.    

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

August 14, 202 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Tricia Grover

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:       Larry Bedow, Darla Ostrum  (Brent Howard, absent).

Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Curt Rung, Highway Superintendent;  Sue Rung, Scott Lewis Sr., Alice Dunbar, Laura Manners (Justice), Andrea Grosskopf and Mark Shields.

The August 14, 2023 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Tricia Grover with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments–  Scott Lewis, Sr., introduced himself to the Board as an interested candidate for Allegany County Board of Legislators District 3. 

Approval of Minutes Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the minutes for the July 10, 2023 Regular Board Meeting with changesL. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for July 2023 with the following change:  Transfer of $101.24 from Contingent Account A1990.4 to Control of Dogs Contractual A3510.4.   D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & O nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for July 2023.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report— Judge Laura Manners described a dog incident to the Board involving a dog that had bitten children in two separate incidents.  The dog was impounded and the owner fined.   Upon the dog’s release to the owner, the owner was told she had two weeks to neuter dog, enroll dog in obedience training and that the dog must be muzzled at all times when outside the owner’s premises.  Subsequently, the dog tried to attack a dog walker and his dog a third time, and the dog was again impounded and the Justice was told by the Department of Agriculture & Markets that she could euthanize the dog; however, upon checking with her superior justice in Buffalo, the Hon. Manners was advised that she could not legally euthanize the dog, and the dog was returned to the owner.  According to New York State Law dogs must harm a person gravely or kill another dog before euthanasia can be ordered.   Judge Manners noted that no tickets had been issued for the third event.  Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the July 2023 oral Justice Report.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report—Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Highway Superintendent’s report for July 2023 as given; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report— NA

Old & New Business

        Larry Bedow reported that the Department of Public Service had finally determined a $500 fine for the gas line breakage at the 29 Main Street site.  This fine could be further reduced by $50 per employee for those Town employees who attend a training session (the Certified Excavator Program provided by UDig.NY).  Employees could attend a session in Batavia, or a virtual session through TEAM.  L. Bedow noted that the session would run about 3 ½ hours long and attendees would be subject to a 70-question examination at the end.  He and Curt Rung agreed to meet and set a date for the Town of Wirt Highway employees to participate in a training session. 

        Michael Scott mentioned that he and Larry Bedow had been asked to clean up after the Town of Wirt’s dog impoundment at the Town of Bolivar kennel, a job that should have been done by the Dog Control Officer.

        Michael Scott proposed that the old Town of Wirt sign on the frontispiece of the Town Hall Building be freshly painted in black and yellow to match the new signs on either side of the door.  The Board agreed, and M. Scott will proceed by locating a suitable painter.

          Larry Bedow made a motion to accept Old & New Business;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays.  

GENERAL BILLS– Michael Scott made a motion to pay Abstract # 8 (General Fund Vouchers # 157 through # 172) in the amount of $4,811.54.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott.  L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Michael Scott made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract # 8 (Highway Vouchers # 76 through # 83) in the amount of $17,558.20.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Darla Ostrum made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 PM.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

July 10, 2023 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Tricia Grover

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:       Larry Bedow, Darla Ostrum  (Brent Howard, absent).

                                        Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Curt Rung, Highway Superintendent;  Sue Rung, John Sheets, Aaron Docher, Andrea Grosskopf.

The July 10, 2023 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Tricia Grover with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments–  John Sheets introduced himself as winner of the primary election for Town Highway Superintendent, and was welcomed by the Board.  Aaron Docher thanked Superintendent Curt Rung and the Board for having worked quickly on Richburg Hill Rd. after the damaging rainstorm the prior weekend, but added that more work needed to be done.  Danny Dunbar and Kenny Pangburn were also thanked for their early assistance with the Richburg Hill flooding.  Larry Bedow mentioned that he had seen Curt Rung checking roads at 6:30 am on July 4th, and appreciated his diligence. 

Approval of Minutes Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the minutes for the June 12, 2023 Regular Board Meeting with changesL. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for June  2023 with the following changes:  Transfer of $250 from Covid Reserve to A3510.4 (Control of Dogs Contractual); transfer of $300 from Covid Reserve to A1430.4 (Bookkeeper Contractual);  transfer of $350 from Covid Reserve to A1010.4 (Town Board Contractual); balance of Covid Reserve, $7503.39, transferred to EBLAR Reserve.   D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & O nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for June 2023.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Michael Scott made a motion to approve the June 2023 written Justice Report.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— Curtis Rung asked the Board to agree on reorganizing the annual 284 agreement, to reflect the following changes: the originally projected amount of $159,800 (for work on Allentown, Emerson, Davidson and Feaster) came to an actual cost of $113,097.45, reflecting a difference of $46,702.55.  $145,643.58 remains to spend on work on Blaine and Phillips (projected as $86,000 in the original 284), and Rung asked that part of the remaining sum after that, $59,643.58, be redistributed to work on lower Hicks Hill Rd. and lower Hydetown Rd., which he projects to be $51,500;  this will leave a balance of $8,143.58.   The Board agreed to the revised distribution and signed the updated 284 Agreement.  Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written and oral Highway Superintendent’s report for June 2023 as given; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report— Tricia Grover had nothing to report.  Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the oral Supervisor’s June 2023 report as given;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business:   Larry Bedow alerted the Board that the EBLAR Reserve was not sufficiently funded, and the Board agreed that attention would be given to providing sustaining funds for the EBLAR Reserve account in the future.    

          Darla Ostrum made a motion to accept Old & New Business;  M. Scott seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays.

Public Comments:   Darla Ostrum asked if the Town was incorporated;  it is not.  Sue Rung asked if anything had been heard on the fine for the gas pipe accident last fall;  there is still no word from the Public Service Commission.  Andrea Grosskopf wondered if the Town had received the AED and was told it was still on back order.  She would like to be considered for AED training when it is scheduled.

GENERAL BILLS– Michael Scott made a motion to pay Abstract #7 (General Fund Vouchers # 140 through # 156) in the amount of $8,165.91.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott.  L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Larry Bedow made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract #7 (Highway Vouchers #64 through # 75) in the amount of $111,453.96.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Executive Session:  Michael Scott motioned that the meeting move into Executive Session at 7:30 PM, at which point the Regular July 10 Board meeting was adjourned and the Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay, the Bookkeeper, Michelle Dunbar, the Highway Superintendent, Curtis Rung, and Sue Rung asked to remain for the Executive Session.   The motion was seconded by Larry Bedow;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Michael Scott made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session at 8:12 PM.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

June 12, 2023 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Tricia Grover

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:       Larry Bedow, Darla Ostrum  (Brent Howard, absent).

Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Curt Rung, Highway Superintendent;  Sue Rung, Alice Dunbar, Andrea Grosskopf, Steve Dick.

The June 12, 2023 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Tricia Grover with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments–  Steve Dick complained of music bands originating at the Sunny Hill Campground playing beyond 11:00 pm, sometimes until 1:00-1:30, and preventing him from sleep.  He inquired if Town of Wirt had a Noise Ordinance.  At present, the Town of Wirt does not have a Noise Ordinance, but Larry Bedow assured Mr. Dick he would talk to Wayne Mingus about ceasing all live music after 11:00 p.m. 

Approval of Minutes Michael Scott made a motion to approve the minutes for the May 8, 2023 Regular Board Meeting.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for May 2023 with the following changes:  Transfer of $10,000 from Covid Reserve to A1620.4; transfer of $490.11 from Contingency Account to A1430.4.   L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & O nays.

        Michael Scott made a motion to RESOLVE to transfer $50,000 each from the existing NY CLASS DA Highway account savings funds AND from the NY CLASS A General account savings funds into two new separate savings accounts of same purpose at Community Bank, Bolivar, New York.   Darla seconded the motion;  the Resolution was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays.  (Resolution 4 2023). 

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for May 2023.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the May 2023 written Justice Report.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report—Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written and oral Highway Superintendent’s report for May 2023 as given; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report—Michael Scott made a motion to approve the CEO’s May 2023 written report; Darla Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Assessor’s Report–  Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the Assessor’s May 2023 written report with the added recommendation that the Town begin a search to fill two Grievance Board positions as soon as possible.   M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report— Tricia Grover and Michael Scott stated that the Supervisor Report was being covered under Old & New Business.   

Old & New Business:   Larry Bedow announced that Western NY & Glass had finished installing the back door as of of May 11th.  He had asked Doyle Security to check the DVR in the closet and they determined it needed to replaced; they also checked the panic button in the Justice Office on May 12.  In addition, Doyle Security installed cameras and a monitor system for the Town Barns over May 30—May 31.   On June 7, Michael Scott signed the new Union contract with the Highway workers.  On June 10 the generator at the Town Barns was serviced. 

        Based on newly updated CHIPS requirements, Curt Rung presented a revised 284 agreement to the Board for approval, and it was signed by all present Board Members. 

          Darla Ostrum made a motion to accept Old & New Business;  L. Bedow seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays.

GENERAL BILLS– Larry Bedow made a motion to pay Abstract #6 (General Fund Vouchers # 115 through # 139) in the amount of $9,162.24.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott.  L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Michael Scott made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract #6 (Highway Vouchers #46 through # 63) in the amount of $31,450.47.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Michael Scott made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 PM.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk



Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

May 8, 2023 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Tricia Grover

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:       Larry Bedow, Darla Ostrum  (Brent Howard, absent).

                                       Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Curt Rung, Highway Superintendent;  Sue Rung, Alice Dunbar, John Dunbar and Andrea Grosskopf.

The May 8, 2023 Regular Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Tricia Grover with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Approval of Minutes Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the minutes for the April 10, 2023 Regular Board Meeting.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for April 2023.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & O nays. Michelle Dunbar noted that she had had a telephone conference with Community Bank about moving the Town’s invested funds from their New York Class account back to Community and had informed them they needed to get a proposal to her before the Board Meeting, which they had failed to do. 

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for April 2023.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the April 2023 written Justice Report.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Highway Superintendent’s report for April 2023 as given; L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report—Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the CEO’s April 2023 written report; M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report-– Michael Scott, Deputy Supervisor, noted that the discrepancy between tax map numbers for the property on 29 Main St. had been discussed and resolved: the initial numbers were different because at the point of sale the property the Town bought had not yet been split;  however, the Deed’s description was accurate,  and the subsequent correct numbering of the parcel did follow and would be honored by the County. Larry Bedow made a motion to accept the Supervisor’s oral report as given; D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business:   Larry Bedow announced that he had met with Doyle Security regarding the surveillance camera system for the Town Barn buildings which the Town’s insurance company (The Evans Agency) had previously recommended.  The Town received a quote from Doyle Security to install 2 fixed exterior cameras and one PTZ camera that focuses on the fuel station as part of the new CCTV system for a total of $4932.00, with a $49.00/month service agreement that would cover parts and labor for any repair issues that might arise.  Michael Scott made a motion to accept the quote from Doyle, with the hope that the monthly service agreement fee might be negotiated lower since the Town would be having 3 systems monitored by Doyle. Larry Bedow said he would discuss the fee with Doyle.  D. Ostrum seconded M. Scott’s motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Larry Bedow also stated he had researched the cost of placing heat tubing in the main Town Barn.  Including headers, manifolds, and everything pressurized, the total would be in the range of $20,000.  An estimate on the concrete floor still needed to be obtained, and possibly Dan Dunbar would be giving an estimate for both tubing and floor.

Darla Ostrum had contacted legislators for follow-up on the question of tax exemption for the property at 29 Main Street and was advised it would be next to impossible to get this accomplished.   The Board debated installing some kind of soccer field or park there, but at present the Town will have to accept this property as taxed. 

          Michael Scott made a motion to accept Old & New Business;  L. Bedow seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays.

GENERAL BILLS– Larry Bedow made a motion to pay Abstract #5 (General Fund Vouchers # 95 through # 114) in the amount of $4,879.43.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott.  L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Larry Bedow made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract #5 (Highway Vouchers # 36 through # 45) in the amount of $18,365.05.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Larry Bedow made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 PM.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

The Clerk asked that the next board meeting (May 8) start a half-hour early (5:30) so that an Audit of the Clerk and Tax Collector could be conducted.   

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

April 10, 2023 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 (Absent)

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:       Larry Bedow, Darla Ostrum  (Brent Howard, absent).

Al                                        Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Curt Rung, Highway Superintendent;  Sue Rung, Alice Dunbar, John Dunbar and Andrea Grosskopf.

The April 10, 2023 Regular Board  Meeting was called to order by Deputy Supervisor Michael Scott with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments- Sue Rung wondered why the Town of Wirt bought the property on Highway 275.  Mike Scott explained that it was to store gravel.  Alice Dunbar suggested that the issue of tax exemption might have been better researched before buying the property.  Curt Rung asked on behalf of the State, whether the State could dump ditch dirt off at the 275 site.  Mike Scott made a motion to allow New York State trucks to dump ditch dirt at the property on Highway 275;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Minutes Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the minutes for the March 13, 2023 Regular Board Meeting.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for March 2023 with changes:  $149.10 to be transferred from A1410.1 to A1410.1T;  $2039.88 to be transferred from Covid Reserve to A1620.2;  $20,000 to be transferred to Building Reserve fund;  $46,000 to be transferred  to Road Reserve Fund.   D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for March 2023.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the March 2023 written Justice Report.  M. Scott seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Highway Superintendent’s report for March 2023 as given;  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the March 2023 CEO’s written report;  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report-– Michael Scott, Deputy Supervisor, noted that a letter from Senator George M. Borrello had been received in acknowledgement of the Board’s letter supporting the County’s resolution to oppose Governor Hochul’s ban on gas stoves and other new gas-fueled equipment.  Borrello’s response was that “Reducing emissions [remains] an important goal” and agreed that “our path to that goal should be responsible, achievable and cost-effective.”  Larry Bedow made a motion to accept the Supervisor’s oral report as given;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business: 

        Larry Bedow reported that he had attended the Town of Bolivar’s Board meeting on Tuesday, 3/21/23, to discuss the reasons for Bolivar denying Wirt a tax exemption on the property at 29 Main Street.  The Town of Bolivar Supervisor, Rick Gould, agreed that if it was legal, the Town of Bolivar would oblige; the question was to be referred to Joe Budinger of the County’s Real Property Tax Office.  Ultimately, that Office determined the tax exemption was illegal according to the “Municipal corporations exemption (‘sand reserve’) Real Property Tax Law section 406”, dated April 8, 1974, which did not grant exemptions to “gravel pits” or “sand reserves.…to be used primarily on road surfaces”. 

        Larry Bedow noted that he had attended an informal conference on April 3 with the Public Service Commission and had presented the Town’s case against being fined for the gas line breakage incident last October.  It will be 4-6 weeks before the Public Service Commission provides a final judgment. 

        Larry Bedow mentioned that a dog trap had been purchased at Runnings in Wellsville in lieu of an original purchase at Amazon which had become lost in transport.

        A bid from Western Glass for replacing the backdoor was received in the amount of $4,434.47.  Michael Scott made a motion to accept the bid from Western Glass;  Darla Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays.

        Concerns were raised in regards to installing cameras around the Town Barn buildings and fuel tanks; Larry Bedow said he would contact Doyle Security regarding costs of installing a camera security system.  Likewise, Larry Bedow will look into a cost analysis of radiant heating for the floor of the new main storage building.

        Curt Rung presented A Resolution Approving the Mutual Aid Agreement Between the Municipalities of Allegany County, New York.  Michael Scott made a motion to accept the resolution;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays, and Resolution 3-23 was accepted. 

        Michael Scott opened bids for the Cemetery Mowing of Town of Wirt cemeteries.  Two bids were received:  one from Jeff Gabriel for $3,500;  one from Justin Putnam for $2,600.    Larry Bedow made a motion to accept the bid from Justin Putnam (Puttys Posies & Lawn Care);  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays.

        Darla Ostrum made a motion to accept Old & New Business;  L. Bedow seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays.

GENERAL BILLS– Larry Bedow made a motion to pay Abstract #4 (General Fund Vouchers # 73 through # 93) in the amount of $6,733.83.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

HIGHWAY BILLS- Mike Scott made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract #4 (Highway Vouchers # 24 through #35) in the amount of $15,825.92.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Darla Ostrum made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:31 PM.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk



Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

March 13, 2023 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 (Absent)

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:       Larry Bedow, Darla Ostrum  (Brent Howard, absent).

Al                                        Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Curt Rung, Highway Superintendent;  Sue Rung, Alice Dunbar, John Dunbar and Andrea Grosskopf.

The March 13, 2023 Regular Board  Meeting was called to order by Deputy Supervisor Michael Scott with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Approval of Minutes Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the minutes for the February 13, 2023 Regular Board Meeting.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for February 2023 with change of $3,159.35 transferred from Contingent Account to Unallocated Insurance, A 1910.4.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for February 2023.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the February 2023 written Justice Reports.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Highway Superintendent’s report for February 2023 as given;  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report—Michael Scott (interim Code Enforcement Officer while Roger Moyer is recuperating) reported that he had checked on 3 properties and issued building permits.   Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the oral CEO Report for February 2023.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report-– Michael Scott, Deputy Supervisor, announced the Board had received a thank-you card from Betty Webb for the $300 donation the Town made to the 4 C’s Senior Citizens organization.  He asked Larry Bedow to explain the information Shelly Freeman, from the Allegany County Emergency Management & Fire Department, had given him about the purchase of an AED for the Town Hall.  L. Bedow explained that based on experience she had recommended the Cardiac Science G5, priced at about $2,052 dollars, because it included a 4-year warranty which the company had been  proven to honor.  L. Bedow added that there would be an approximate $430 cost for a new battery every four years or so and, after the machine had been installed, the County would arrange to do an in-house training for CPR and AED use.  M. Scott made a motion to purchase the Cardiac Science G5;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed and carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.  Darla Ostrum made a motion to accept the Supervisor’s oral report as given;  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business: 

It was noted that thank you/notice of end-of-service letters had been sent to John and Alice Dunbar for the daily locking/unlocking of the front door, now that the new door system has been installed.

       Two letters to Kathy Hochul, written by Darla Ostrum on behalf of the Board, both supporting positions taken by Allegany County, one against Hochul’s proposed ending of Federally-supplemented Medicaid payments to the counties, and one against Hochul’s proposal to ban gas appliances, were reviewed and approved by the Board. 

        Michael Scott asked the Board if they were all in favor of proceeding on proposing a law to change the Clerk’s position from a 2-year to a four-year term; the Board was agreeable, and M. Scott instructed the Clerk to find the relevant paperwork from the prior proposition attempted in 2020 and to discuss with the Town Attorney and Board of Elections for the current procedure. 

        Larry Bedow noted that on 10/18/2022 a Town of Wirt highway crew struck a gas line on the new “Benson” property purchased by the Town and was subsequently fined by the Public Service Commission for $2,500 on top of the $4,378.46 repair expenses that Town insurance paid.  L. Bedow had spoken to Lindsey Davis of the PSC in regards to arranging a conference to contest Town negligence and was waiting on a date to be set. 

        Larry Bedow stated he would be attending the Town of Bolivar’s Board meeting on Tuesday, 3/21/23, to discuss the reasons for Bolivar denying Wirt a tax exemption on the property at 29 Main Street.

        Larry Bedow said he had spoken to Adam Cyr about a “Meet the Public” date, possible the 3rd week in April, for local legislators to meet constituents and to be held at Wirt Town Hall.

        Curt Rung informed the Board he had been reviewing his 284 Agreement and asked the Board if $8,000 in the Road Fund Reserve, $51,000 in DB 5110.4 and $46,000 in DB9950.9–a total of $105,000–could to be used in General Repairs  for necessary projects, instead of left sitting.  The Board agreed that this was a good idea.  Curt Rung then read aloud his 284 Agreement for the Board, noting the oil prices and bids were not yet in;  the Clerk made copies for the Board.  Curt Rung also informed the Board that he had bought a printer for use in preparing Town paperwork, but as per agreement this was not charged to the Town, and therefore remained his property. 

        Darla Ostrum noted she had attended the Empire State Development Fund conference and based on what she learned, concluded that the Town did not have the ability to create the positions that would be needed to take advantage of supplementary funding. 

        The Clerk was instructed to advertise for cemetery lawn-mowing bids and include the qualification  that all applicants must be insured. 

        While the Clerk is on vacation May 11 through May 19, Alice Dunbar agreed that she would look in daily to check phone messages and mail for the Clerk’s office, and perform any other obligations if deemed necessary. 

        It was noted that the Highway Department’s February check to American Rock Salt (Claim # 12) was voided and re-vouchered in March due to being lost in the mail. 

        Darla Ostrum made a motion to accept Old & New Business;  L. Bedow seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays.

GENERAL BILLS– Michael Scott made a motion to pay Abstract #3 (General Fund Vouchers # 55 through # 77, with #68 held back until further verification) in the amount of $35,763.38.  Darla Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

HIGHWAY BILLS- Darla Ostrum made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract #3 (Highway Vouchers # 16 through #23) in the amount of $21683.50.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Larry Bedow made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 PM.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

February 13, 2023 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 (Absent)

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:       Larry Bedow, Darla Ostrum, Brent Howard

Al                                        Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Curt Rung, Highway Superintendent;  Laura Manners, Justice;  Sue Rung, Alice Dunbar.

The February 13, 2023 Regular Board  Meeting was called to order by Deputy Supervisor Michael Scott with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Approval of Minutes Michael Scott made a motion to approve the minutes for the January 9, 2023 Organizational Board Meeting w. changes.  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for January 2023.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

        Michael Scott made a motion to transfer $2,173.06 from the Covid Reserve into the General Fund, and subsequently increase A1620.4 by that amount.  D. Ostrum seconded that motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

        Darla Ostrum made a motion to transfer $6,106 from the General Fund to the Revaluation Reserve.  B. Howard seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Brent Howard made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for January 2023.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report—Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve December 2022 and January 2023 written Justice Reports.  L. Bedow seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes(M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report—Curt Rung reviewed his tentative Highway Department plans for the Spring.  Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written &  oral Highway Superintendent’s report as given;  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report—Michael Scott (interim Code Enforcement Officer while Roger Moyer is recuperating) reported that he had gone out on a home health call on Emerson Rd., also out to Wells Road and County Rd. 8 to issue building permits, copies of which he turned in to the Clerk.  Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the oral CEO Report for January 2023.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Dog Control Officer’s Report—Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written DCO’s report for January 2023;  B. Howard seconded the motion.  The motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report-– Michael Scott, Deputy Supervisor, *  Larry Bedow made a motion to accept the Supervisor’s oral report as given.  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business: 

Larry Bedow announced that the new post office sign had been installed, and the old one was being donated to the Richburg Historical Museum.  He suggested that the next projects the Board might consider might include replacing the back door, and raising it up enough so that the walkway/parking lot could slope down and away from the building;  also, the front steps had separated, posing a hazard to pedestrians, and were in need of concrete work;  finally, some of the brick work on the front of the building needed repointing.  He said that Dan Dunbar would give them a rough estimate for the cement work.  Otherwise, L. Bedow reported that the automatic locking system has been installed for the front door, but suggested that John & Alice Dunbar continue monitoring the door until the end of February.  L. Bedow asked that the Clerk draft a letter thanking the Dunbars for their services. 

L. Bedow expressed his concern that an AED should be installed on the premises (and eventually at the Highway Department main building);  he had contacted Adam Cyr regarding county funding for an AED, and Mr. Cyr had said that he would propose it to the County Board.  Everyone agreed that having an AED in the Town Hall was an excellent idea.   

Darla Ostrum inquired as to why the Board did not approve a tax exemption for Fire Department employees.  Larry Bedow and Brent Howard said that volunteer firemen were too difficult to account for in terms of longevity in their positions.  D. Ostrum wondered if actually an exemption would act as an incentive to attract more committed volunteers. 

        Larry Bedow made a motion to accept Old & New Business;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays.

GENERAL BILLS– Brent Howard made a motion to pay Abstract #2 (General Fund Vouchers # 24 through # 54) in the amount of $20,242.71.  Darla Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum)& 0 nays.

HIGHWAY BILLS- Darla Ostrum made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract #2 (Highway Vouchers # 5 through #15)  in the amount of $63,896.46.  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Larry Bedow made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 PM.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

January 9, 2023 (approved)


Supervisor:                                 (Absent)

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:       Larry Bedow, Darla Ostrum, Brent Howard

Al                                        Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; John Dunbar, Alice Dunbar.

The January 9 2023 Organizational  Meeting was called to order by Deputy Supervisor Michael Scott with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments—John Dunbar mentioned that gaps around the new front door needed to be sealed.  Larry Bedow said he would make sure to get that done. 

Organizational Resolutions—

Blanket Undertaking:  Public Officers Law # 11 (2) provides that in lieu of any individual undertaking as required by law, the town board may approve the procurement of a blanket undertaking for any duly authorized corporate surety covering the officers, clerks & employees of the town.  Larry Bedow made a motion to approve blanket undertaking, as provided by Richardson & Stout, Inc., & NYMIR.  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard) & 0 nays.

Schedule for Regular Board Meetings: Brent Howard made a resolution to hold Regular Board Meetings on the second Monday of every month at 6:30 pm in the Town Hall, with review beginning at 6 pm.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard) & 0 nays.

Official Newspaper:  Larry Bedow made a motion that the Olean Times Herald continue to be the Town’s official newspaper.  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard) & 0 nays.

Registrar of Vital Statistics for 2023:  Larry Bedow made a motion that Nicolette de Csipkay be appointed as Registrar for Vital Statistics for 2023.  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard) & 0 nays.

Town Historian for 2023:  Larry Bedow made a motion that Melanie Johnston be re-appointed as the Town Historian for 2023.  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard) & O nays

Official Bank:  Michael Scott made a motion that Community Bank continue to be used as the Official Bank for Town of Wirt accounts.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard) & O nays.

Bookkeeper:  Michael Scott made a motion to re-appoint Michelle Dunbar as bookkeeper. L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard) & O nays.

Code Enforcement Officer:  Brent Howard made a motion to re-appoint Roger Moyer as Code Enforcement Officer.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard) & O nays.

Dog Control Officer:  Larry Bedow made a motion to appoint Dakota Steiner as Dog Control Officer.  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard) & O nays.

Deputy Highway Superintendent:  Larry Bedow made a motion to appoint Dusty Miller as Deputy Highway Superintendent.  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard) & O nays.

Town Attorney:  Larry Bedow made a motion to appoint Richard Buck of Richardson, Pullen & Buck, P.C., as the Town Attorney.  B. Howard seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard) & O nays. 

Town Councilmember:  Larry Bedow made a motion to re-appoint Darla Ostrum as a Town of Wirt Councilmember.  B. Howard seconded the motion;the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard) & O nays. 

Approval of Minutes Michael Scott made a motion to approve the minutes for the December 28, 2022 Board Meeting w. changes.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for December 2023, with the following change:  A transfer of $105,482 from DB 5110.2 to DA 5130.2.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report— Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for December 2022.  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Highway Superintendent’s Report— Larry Bedow reported that he had spoken to Curt Rung, and the Highway Superintendent had reported that over the previous 9 days the Highway Department had been checking ditches, and that two employees had also gone to Little Genessee to help with work there.  Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the oral Highway Superintendent’s report as given;  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report—Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written CEO Report for December 2022.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report-– Michael Scott, as Deputy Supervisor, announced the Association of Town’s annual conference in New York City, but persuaded anyone interested in attending to instead consider the annual conference held at Houghton later in the year, because it was closer and more economical.  Larry Bedow made a motion to accept the Supervisor’s oral report as given.  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business: 

Larry Bedow announced Doyle Security would be installing the new security system on the front door on Monday the 23rd, and would distribute fobs.  John Dunbar has been asked to continue to monitor the door until the end of January.  The decal lettering for the Town Hall address and lobby hours on the front door will be applied within the week.

Darla Ostrum proposed that it would be a nice gesture if the Board presented cards to the Town employees on birthdays and on other occasions, and she offered to supply the cards and postage.    L. Bedow felt the Board already did send cards when the occasion called for it, especially sympathy and get well cards,  and that it was unnecessary to change the status quo.

        Mike Scott requested the check for the Bolivar tax bill on 29 Main St. be pulled and that he would contact Belmont about the property’s tax status before paying it.    

 Mike Scott made a motion to transfer $1797.85 out of the Covid Fund for the Doyle Security system installed on the new door.  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) and O nays.    

Justice Laura Manners asked to schedule a Justice Court Audit in the Town Hall prior to the next board meeting on February 13, 2023.  The Board agreed to conduct the audit at 6:00 p.m. 

        Larry Bedow made a motion to accept Old & New Business;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays.

GENERAL BILLS– Larry Bedow made a motion to pay Abstract #1 (General Fund Vouchers # 1 through # 23 in the amount of $6,770.72).  B. Howard seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum)& 0 nays.

HIGHWAY BILLS- Brent Howard made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract #1 (Highway Vouchers # 1 through # 4)  in the amount of $341.19.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Darla Ostrum made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 PM.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, B. Howard, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

December 28, 2022 End Of Year Board Meeting (unapproved)


Supervisor:                                 (Absent)

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:       Larry Bedow, Darla Ostrum  (Brent Howard absent)

Also                                       Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Curt Rung, Sue Rung, Alice Dunbar.


The December 28, 2022 End of Year meetingwas called to order by Deputy Supervisor Michael Scott with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:05 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Approval of Minutes Michael Scott made a motion to approve the minutes for the December 12, 2022 Board Meeting.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Michael Scott made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for December 28,  2022 with changes as noted:  A transfer of $49.37 to DA9031.8 from DA5130.4;  a transfer of $82.50 to DA9050.8 from DA5130.4;  a transfer of $621.85 to DA9060.8 from DA5130.4.  A transfer of $1,562.06 to DB5110.1 from DB5140.1;  a transfer of $13,783.79 to DB9950.9 from DB5110.4.  A transfer of $4.30 to A1010.4 from A1010.1;  a transfer of $115.69 to A1430.4 from A1990.4;  a transfer of $180.83 to A1450.4 from AA1990.4; a transfer of $276.10 to A1620.1 (for Account Analysis Charges)  from A1990.4. Also, a transfer of $10,167.61 to A1620.4 from Covid Reserve Account and a transfer of $663.62 to A1620.4 from A1990.4 for Community Bank Account Analysis Charges..  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business:  Sue Rung suggested that at the next (January Board Meeting), the need to put sufficient funds into the Employee Benefits Reserve account be addressed.  Larry Bedow reported that the Doyle Construction Agreement had been signed but that it would probably only be February when the keyless lock system for the Town Building front door would be installed.   

L. Bedow also asked the Board to consider stenciling the address and lobby hours on the new door, which he would ask a local company, C.C. Creations, to complete for minimal expense.  Michael Scott made a motion to proceed with stenciling the address and lobby hours on the new door;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes ( M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

Darla Ostrum volunteered to write a thank-you letter to Dusty Miller for his interim service as Highway Superintendent.

Larry Bedow made a motion to accept Old & New Business;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) and 0 nays. 

Public Comments:   Alice Dunbar asked the Board to consider replacing the Post Office exterior sign;  L. Bedow responded that he had contacted the Postmaster, Charlie Bisset, already about this.  Alice Dunbar mentioned that the light in the Town Hall meeting room had been left on, and the back door unlocked.  She also suggested that some kind of 24-hour lighting might be useful for the meeting room.  Michael Scott and L. Bedow directed the Clerk to leave hall lights on at night. 

GENERAL BILLS– Larry Bedow made a motion to pay Abstract #13 (General Fund Vouchers # 274 through # 280 in the amount of $4,309.63).  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

HIGHWAY BILLS- Larry Bedow made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract #13 (Highway Vouchers # 118 through # 120)  in the amount of $5,269.00.   D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Larry Bedow made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 PM.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 3 ayes (M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk


Town Hall, 210 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774

December 12, 2022 Regular Board Meeting (approved)


Supervisor:                                 Tricia Grover

Deputy Supervisor:                Michael Scott   

Councilpersons:       Larry Bedow, Darla Ostrum  (Brent Howard absent)

Also                                       Also Present:  Town Clerk, Nicolette de Csipkay; Michelle Dunbar, bookkeeper; Curt Rung, Sue Rung, Mark Shields.


The December 12, 2022 General Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Tricia Grover with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Attendance was taken by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk.

Public Comments Sue Rung noted that a front loader purchased by the town was a DA expense, not a DB expense, and questioned whether money from CHIPS could be applied to DA expenses as had been done.  Michelle Dunbar agreed that they should not, and the discussion was tabled to be discussed further at the end of year meeting after she had reviewed regulations and practices.  Sue Rung also noted there was an inconsistency in balance totals for at least two other accounts;  Michelle Dunbar agreed to review these discrepancies and address them at the end of year meeting.

Approval of Minutes Michael Scott made a motion to approve the minutes for the November 14, 2022 Board Meeting andthe November 10, 2022 Public Preliminary Budget Meeting as given.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Fiscal Report- Larry Bedow made a motion to approve the written Fiscal Report for November 2022.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Town Clerk’s Report- Mike Scott made a motion to approve the written Town Clerk’s report for November 2022. D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Justice Report– Darla Ostrum made a motion to approve the written Justice report for November 2022. L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

 Approval of Highway Superintendent’s ReportMichael Scott made a motion to accept the Highway Superintendent’s written report for November 2022 as given; L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Code Enforcement Officer’s Report– Michael Scott made a motion to approve the CEO’s written report for November 2022.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Dog Control Officer’s Report– NA

Approval of Assessor’s Report— Michael Scott made a motion to approve the Assessor’s written report for November, 2022.  L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Approval of Supervisor’s Report— Tricia Grover reported that she had found and contacted a candidate for Town of Wirt Dog Control Officer, Dakota Steiner.  Mr. Steiner will also be taking over from his mother, Connie Otto, to serve in this capacity for other Towns, including Friendship and Clarkesville.   The Board expressed appreciation for Mrs. Grover’s effort and success at finding a new DCO and the Clerk was instructed to invite Mr. Steiner to the End of Year Board Meeting (scheduled for December 28 at 6 p.m.) to take his Oath and complete necessary paperwork.  Michael Scott made a motion to approve the Supervisor’s oral report for November 2022.  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T .Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Old & New Business:  Larry Bedow  reported that the new front door installation had been completed and was within the original quote from Western N.Y. Glass & Door; consideration of the automatic locking/unlocking system is the next phase to be worked on. Matt Stuckzynski of Doyle Security met with L. Bedow and advised a fob system as being more secure than a passcode entry.  The fob can be programmed and managed by the Clerk on the computer; each fob will have its own number, and 50 fobs will be including with the installation package.  If there is an electric outage, the lock has a 12 hour battery that will also supercharge as soon as power comes on; keys can also be used to unlock door.  There will be a $39.00 monthly charge which will cover monitoring, parts, repairs and service calls, and Clerk will have access to software/programming help as needed. There is a six-week lead time requirement to schedule installation.   Board members discussed that the $39/month service fee would stand in place of the Town’s current $100/month fee for locking-unlocking  service and would actually cover more associated costs (such as replacement keys).  Michael Scott made a motion to accept the bid of $3,314.00 from Doyle to install the automatic locking system; L. Bedow seconded the motion;  the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

        L. Bedow noted that a second “No Parking” sign had been put up in Town Hall parking lot.  M. Scott suggested that the Town consider a “Wirt Town Hall” parking sign as well. 

        L. Bedow reported than an issue with the light in the Justice’s courtroom had been resolved, and four free drivers that would address future light system problems had been obtained.  

        L. Bedow suggested the Board consider whether decal “lobby hours” signage might be purchased for the new door, and said he would look into costs.    Finally, L. Bedow informed the Board that insulation of the walls and ceiling with R19 and R49 insulation had been completed. 

        Michael Scott mentioned that two holes in the roof had been fixed.  M. Scott also wondered about the consistency of Wirt’s tax rules for campers versus mobile homes in the Town of Wirt.   

        Sue Rung notified the Board that Curt Rung would have to be excused from work January 6due to prior personal obligations.   Michael Scott made a motion to accept Old & New Business;  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays. 

GENERAL BILLS– Larry Bedow made a motion to pay Abstract #12 (General Fund Vouchers # 251 through # 273 in the amount of $9,737.15).  D. Ostrum seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

HIGHWAY BILLS- Michael Scott made a motion to pay Highway Bills on Abstract #12  (Highway Vouchers # 109 through # 117 , with #110 and #114 voided)  in the amount of $65,239.89).   L. Bedow seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Adjournment of Meeting– Darla Ostrum made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:31 PM.  M. Scott seconded the motion; the motion was passed & carried with 4 ayes (T. Grover, M. Scott, L. Bedow, D. Ostrum) & 0 nays.

Respectfully submitted by Nicolette de Csipkay, Town Clerk
